
Incremental Tables

The lttlie red squares

The HTML markup code is very useful to portray information and to have this kind of data handy and at the ready via the internet is a great benefit. I have ideas about portraying other sorts of information and would ask your indulgence in helping to develop them in a process. Would you please view the below pattern of little red squares and report if this representation has a meaning for you?




Follow the Incremental Table series

Following the link to the series will display to you tables of increasing size.

If at any time you tire of the game and wish to cut to the quick use the link - Ok, just show me the explanation.

Here is a little clue.
1 n
--- --- --- ---

Copyright © 2010 - Alain Lareau
All Rights Reserved unless with Written Request.
alainelj@yahoo.com this page F09B
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