Don't have much stamina for the puzzle
Well you lost focus very fast!
You want to know why the little red squares. To the left is the clue I gave you last. Here is another. |
The little x's are replaced with,
1, n, 2, x, 4, and x again. I have more clues for you. Here is the next one. |
The little x's are back.
White squares high to the left mark off diagonal rows. Diagonal row are thus labeled "H", "He", and "Li". If still want more clues. I have one more. |
The diagonal rows labeled "H", "He"and "Li"
now have numerals along side them. If we were to set H-3 or Li-4 on the table, where would you set them? How about He-6 where would that go? Did you notice there is nothing placed in row 5? No more clues, the cat is out of the bag isn't it. |
The table cells containing H-1 and He-4 are marked off with a different background color than
the others H-2, He-3, and Li-6. This distinguishes H-1 and He-4 as the most common isotope
of their respective elements. This display format allows for each Nuclide (an atomic nucleus
species of a specific composition of (Nucleons)) (either a neutron or proton) to have a relative
position in the table. The horizontal rows comprise a set of nuclides with equal number of
nucleons (Isobars). The table is increased to include more nuclides by adding an additional row
of isobars while incrementing the number of nucleons by 1.
Thus The Incremental Table of Atomic Isobars. |
To the right is
the simplest example of an isobar "row". |
When a new row is added additional data can be inserted for your purposes. |
You can choose to add radionuclides in the new rows or not. H-3 is marked off with a light magenta background color as radioactive. |
Radionuclides of very short half-life can also be added if you choose. The short lived Li-4 and H-4 are marked off with white backgrounds to distinguish them as very unstable. |
Row 5 does not contain
any nuclides that are remotly stable, all are radionuclides and are marked off with white backgrounds to distinguish them as nuclides with very short half-life. |
Li-6 is a stable nuclide
but is not the most common isotpe of Lithium so a background color peach marks it off as so. The table below exhibts six nuclides, the lightest, including the Neutron. |
The table at left includes rank of abundance labels.
Nuclides in isobar rows are named most common isobar as isotopes for are elements. This can also distinguish a nuclide species as abundant itself. Rows can be left vacant to indicate no stable nuclides for that isobar. |
See above you may have
noticed the background color of the H-2 cell has changed. This light yellow color is used to distinguish a nuclide as secondarily abundant. These many themes can coincide on the same table. Nuclides considered theoretical can be introduced as well. |
At right is given the
example of the table in use to exhibit data. This HTML display format allows for you to introduce any data association you wish with ease. Nuclides can be marked off with color code as; Super Stable Ultra Stable Very Stable Stable Very long lived unstable Long lived unstable Medium half-life Short half-life Very short half-life Extremely short half-life |
01/12/2011 Copyright © 2011 - Alain Lareau
All Rights Reserved unless with Writen Request. this page D21B
I have finalized this page and will make no further additions.
If you wish to shadow, copy, modify, edit and repost; I will link to you here.