21 Steps to Economic Recovery
and Financial Independence


I do think that it has been sufficiently demonstrated that a tax cut program will not provide any true economic stimulus beyond a narrow short term band. Are you in favor of tax cuts? Do you believe that putting money in the hands of the American consumer will create new jobs or save jobs from being lost, or is it the small business owner that we must help directly? Just who do you think should get a tax break and why? This is a very important issue, I would like for you to tell me where you think the tax cuts need to be.

Do you believe that it is unfair to saddle the future tax payers with a debt burden due to excessive government spending? If the government gives you a tax cut but has to sell T-bills to do it is that not putting a burden on future tax payers?
Sounds like a redistribution of wealth to me, taking from the future and giving to the present.

Step Two for Economic Recovery and Financial Independence
is a provision for tax payers, with a job, to sign for a 3.8% loan/grant in the amount of their choice between $3000 and $8000 to be repaid by a portion of their tax returns or tax withheld. If you want stimulus money in your hands why don't you yourself take on the debt burden from doing so? Call it tax deferred on an individual opt-in basis.

Post your opinions.

Below is a list of how people would find this funding useful.

  1. Debt restructuring for the improvement of credit rating.
  2. Restore the facility of the home, keep the lights on, pay the car insurance, fix the washing machine, get current with the rent/mortgage.
  3. Purchase of consumer goods as a stimulus.
  4. Gear up a self-employed endeavor.
  5. Funding for certification and schooling to procure the better job or advance one's career path.
  6. Procurement of health care sufficient to maintain productive lifestyle.

Scam Alert Website Lists | 2009stimuluschecks.org - Various subdirectories advertising on Facebook Feb 2009

2009StimulusChecks.org. Republican Ad Network. Internet Advertising Solution for
Candidates, Campaigns & Causes. www.ReachRepublicans.com

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National Foreclosure Moratorium

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