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I had a hunch about all this and I made this post on that blog.
Hello My name is Alain Lareau
Thank you for your very excellent forum and the opportunity to make a proposition on behalf of some of my constituents.
Many local political forums have expressed interest in holding small joint town hall type meetings with local leaderships from the NAACP. As it has been represented to me the intent is to cement common ground unity on local levels and not allowing National ruckus to add division in communities. The willing participants seem to range from Tea Party Activists, Independents and 3rd. Party types who genuinely wish to turn a negative into a positive. I provide myself as a contact point for this purpose.
I did not just simply make one blog post a leave it at that.
I made many many phone calls and emails on this idea,
knocked on some doors too.
None came forward -- Eight months have past.
Sufficient time has past and something intelligent may now be said. If joint Town Meeting were to be held in that time frame what do you suppose the topics would have been. What issues do you think the two groups could have agreed upon. Could they have found Common Ground. I believe that people should have been able to co-operate in fighting these bank bailouts; or am I wrong?
One could ask Jules,
"Do you see a sign out in front of the Tea party groups or the NAACP that says
'Organization devoted to finding Common Ground for the betterment of humanity'?"
"Jules!, Do you see a sign out in front of the Tea party groups or the NAACP that says "
'Organization devoted to finding Common Ground for the betterment of humanity'!?"
Jules would have to answer "No!"
"Do you know why you do not see a sign out in front of the Tea party groups or the NAACP that says "
'Organization devoted to finding Common Ground for the betterment of humanity'!?"
Again Jules would have to answer "No!"
"Because finding Common Ground for the betterment of humanity ain't their bleepin' business, that's why."
Once upon a time the NAACP did create the Common Ground by fighting for the Higher Ground, I am positive of that.
They can do so again, I am sure of the too. But will they?
The fact is that folks on the left and folks on the right each have adopted a mind set perspective(mythology) or have been force fed as the case my be, that can be manipulated.
Their buttons are being pushed as the expression goes.
Their viewpoints(hypothesis of the world) are contrived by others for the purpose of rendering people predictable and malleable!
There is only one question to ask.
What is the High Ground, where is it?
There is only one answer.
Stop bailing out Wall St.
Do not let Wall St. hijack our government.
Do not let your self be manipulated into a budget cutting Tax Revolt that will kill people because you are too chicken shit to go up against the really BIG guys.
Reinstall the financial firewall by its' right name.
Glass - Steagall
Fighting for Glass - Steagall is the measuring stick to determine whether any one is serious about creating a worthwhile future.