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Welcome to GORC

Thank you for visiting the GORC website!
These link backward to the mother pages.
  1. The Means of Income to the Household
  2. Home improvement-Physical upkeep-Environment
  3. Those categories pertaining to
    the biology of the inhabitants of the home
  4. Those categories pertaining to
    the input to and Development of the Mind
  5. Those categories pertaining to
    the input and output of the home
  6. Those categories pertaining to
    the organization of society outside the home


Start with Zilch



You Tell Me What You Want the Internet to Do for YOU
and I'll tell You HOW


The Sevens Page

  1. The Means of Income
  2. Home improvement-Physical upkeep-Environment
  3. Health and wellness
  4. Education/Science
  5. Computer hardware and software, Media
  6. Politics, Philosophy

III Body chemicals
IV Taking the Bully by the Horns - Bullying, School Violence, Self-esteem
I Guinea Pig Zero: A Journal for Human Research Subjects - Homepage
I Maryland Lottery, MD Lotto
I Work at Home Paid Job Search Review

  The input and output of the home

Month To Month Suggestions for Independent Computer Activities for Center Time

MSC Industrial Supply Co.

Tesla Motors

Cable TV

Stop Email SPAM

Area Code Listing, by Number

  1. Computers
    hardware and software
  2. Media and other Communications
  3. Utilities
  4. Transpotation
    and infrastructure
  5. Economics macro and micro
  6. Supply misc.

GORC Outline Expansion
Hybrid Category

  1. Infant Development
  2. Infant Development
I have read and enjoyed a book on human neural development in infancy called What's Going on in There? : How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life by PhD Lise Eliot and I highly recommend it.

Info on the Nigerian email scams

Nigreia LNG Limited


For many people the junk mail is getting out of hand. This web page will list list a few sites that you may visit to gain information on how to get a handle on problems you may have with junk mail and spam.

As a GORC contributor you may copy and paste these links to your own page
or anchor a link here from your page; name="antispam".

Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail

Fight Spam on the Internet

Network Abuse Clearinghouse

Mail Abuse Prevention System

The Electronic Ephemera



Cable TV

On these Web Sites you can find info about Cable TV: name="homimprov"

Home Improvement

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Links to only outline page

  1. Those categories pertaining to
    the input to and Development of the Mind
  2. Those categories pertaining to
    the input and output of the home
  3. Those categories pertaining to
    the organization of society outside the home

The Ultimate IQ Test: How Smart Are You?

The W3C Validator

This page is updated regularly; also it has been copied and modified numerous times to illustrate how a subject menu/directory page may evolve as it will pass from person to person. The set of these sequencialy modified pages comprise the Origen. Point your browser with this link to view a list of that set. It is recomended that if you wish to copy a subject menu/direcory page, do use the HTML code of the most recently modified version. Use the Guestbook link to request help in working with HTML as needs arise.

Copyright © 2002 - Alain Lareau
No Rights Reserved
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