Get Out of the Rut Club

Volume # I no3

The First newsletter showed how quickly and easily one could produce a newsletter. The Second showed how and why to save it in an archive for anyone's future use. This First Volume of the newsletter will develop a thread aimed at helping people get started in anything/something as a home business with the emphasis in writing. Departments will be developed for the do-it-yourselfer and the HTML basics.

Four things are on the agenda for now;
1) Develop departments
2) Bring you to the Steps Page (or at least the first section of the steps) if you would like that. I did mention The Steps in preceding newsletter files.
3) Set a template to start each weeks newsletter.
4) Continue to show and teach the HTML code.

Using the <div align="center"><font face="Arial"></font></div>
I put things back in the center and showcase the Arial font


For demonstrating the HTML code this time we will show you
the anchor tag or<a></a> .

The main use of this tag is to create a "hot spot" or "link". In the beginnings of the World Wide Web this ability differentiated HTML from SGML it's predecessor. Making a hot link is not the only thing the anchor tag can do.
It can also be used to force the opening of a new widow, determine which open window to fill and can also set which part of a page's content is placed at the top of the window. That is it can "anchor" the other end of the link.
For now let's just make a link and I happen to have a page in mind that is worth your looking at.
It comes from CPSC.

The text or image pointer you put between the tags
is the <a>hot spot</a>

So you must tell the browser where to go, the code that is used is called an "attribute" and it will look like this

<a href=""></a>

The Site I wish to show you is a PDF download, your browser will find it by the means of a URL. This stands for uniform resource locator.

Here is the URL.

That is what gets put between the quote marks of the href attribute.

<a href="">safety alert</a>

safety alert

There it is, that's a link.

Small Magnets Are Injuring Children

CPSC dot gov

You may use an image for the hot spot by putting the image tag inside of the anchor tags.

The image tag is <IMG> or <img>
The attribute SRC="" tells the browser where to look for the image.
Images can be as simple as a bullet gif file.
The one below is an animated gif file

spot Electronic Reading Room - Freedom of Information Act Information

This next image is an IMAGE MAP.
When using an image map there is no need to wrap the image tag with an anchor tag for the link to work because it is done a different way.
The href attribute data is in the MAP tag that is placed after the image tag.

However the image tag must use an attribute called USEMAP="".


The attribute ALT="" tells what words to display if the image fails to load.

In this case ALT="CPSC Banner" is used

CPSC Banner Consumer Safety About CPSC Library - FOIA Business

I tell you more about the MAP tag in a few weeks, it is level two stuff.

Now as far as Departments we could start as follows:

1) My favorite Bookmarks dept.

2) Start my home biz now dept.

3) HTML special dept.

This has to be it for now we are getting long in the tooth here.
We archive to a web page
<a href="">Archived newsletter</a>
Archived newsletter

Then go to the Validator .
That's it.

As before, communicate to me by replying to this e-mail account or at and to alert me to discontinue, reply to this e-mail here and put Remove in the subject box.

The code that makes this link is:
<a href="">and put Remove</a>

Best Regards
Alain Lareau

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