NMFM 2011 ( National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium ) vs the Smörgåsfraud
Every day this newsletter will post a new piece of evidence to the need of a National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium until we achieve this goal. Thursday, December 16th, 2010 Treasury Department Secretary Timothy Geithner warned the Congressional Oversight Panel Thursday that a national foreclosure moratorium in the wake of the robo-signing scandal would only hurt home prices. A moratorium would hurt prices? Monday, December 13th, 2010 The Home Affordable Modification Program will prevent up to 800,000 foreclosures before it expires at the end of 2012, "far fewer" than the 3 million to 4 million expected when the program first launched in March 2009, according a report from the Congressional Oversight Panel. More to the story The Treasury Department launched HAMP to provide an incentive to mortgage servicers to modify loans on the verge of foreclosure. As of the end of October, servicers have completed roughly 519,000 permanent modifications. Well I have a few questions, first what is the robo-signing scandal, is that how the banks dealt with the BACKLOG by resorting to FRAUD? This thing Home Affordable Modification Program, HAMP, sounds like short for hamper as in slow it down or dump it in the hamper like dirty cloths? But right now I am more concerned with this robo-signing thing. Look here: October 15, 2010 Same Person Forged Billions of Dollars Worth of Mortgage Documents for Bank of America, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank and Dozens of Other Lenders and Shells. Oh so that is robo-signing, I get it. What next? So a little time goes by then... a little more time goes by... then a little More time goes by. April 6, 2011 60 Minutes breaks the story? Better late than never. April 7, 2011 All 50 state attorneys generals BETRAYED by Federal Reserve. I shouldn't act surprised. Wait a minute, what's this? January 26, 2011 The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission says the whole thing was Foreseeable and Preventable!! ""Hxxx Fxxxxxx Bxxxxxxx Sxxx Bxxxx"" No Warren Commission whitewash,,, WOW! Any other opinions on this? April 12, 2011 What do we have here? Bank of America Corp. BAC CEO Says he is wasting his time trying to rewrite mortgages because people don't have Jobs, boo hoo. Yes Ok, what is the ISSUE. We (us , the country, the people) NEED AN IMMEDIATE COMPREHENSIVE TOTAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE MORATORIUM NOW. You want more evidence? November 3, 2009 Tavis Smiley guest Nomi Prins Ok let see if I've got this straight; they created a housing price bubble to feed their speculation, they popped it and used the crisis to hijack the nations currency, now they are tossing folks out of their homes and stealing the equity, and now we have to close the School, Hospital, and Fire Dept in order to pay for Three Wars! Why are we not yelling FXXXXXX NAZIS! Fascists! If you put up with this, and complain about welfare mothers you are a COWARD, a TRAITOR to the Constitution and a BETRAYER OF CHRIST, and you are certainly no friend of mine. OH, I am sorry, did you want to get a word in here, fine, alainelj@yahoo.com, that is my email. HUD page, Current Avoiding Foreclosure April 11, 2011 How can you make real estate profit this year? January 26, 2010 Alarm Bells Current Mortgage News Daily. Current Archives for Foreclosure Fraud Statistics March 4, 2011 .*. AOL Blog How they Lie Tuesday October 19 2010 Pull the string, subpoenas October 12 2010 White House rejects foreclosure moratorium April 28, 2011 finally, MERS is being forced to correct the errors that have plagued foreclosure processes nationwide stopforeclosurefraud.com Smörgåsfraud . - . to bilk or not to bilk, that is th......what the x&@#! Foreclosure Hamlet, the reign of terror continues... April 13, 2011 Representative Cummings and 23 Members Introduce Preserving Homes and Communities Act of 2011 March 17, 2009 Who's More to Blame: The Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act or Alan Greenspan Trick question. Ian Anderson is a Glass - Steagall Man Hey I'm just getting started. Timeline
September 26, 2007 A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to create the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act. MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE House Resolution 0190 (2007) www.legislature.mi.gov September 28, 2008 preparatory to the first bail out vote Kaptur calls Pelosi, Paulson CRIMINALS!!! www.youtube.com October 17, 2008 review, in a historical context, the 1987, 1997 and 1998 stock market meltdowns. The article was written nine years ago in November 1999, following the adoption of the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act. It was subsequently published as a chapter in the Second Edition of The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order, Global Research, Montreal, 2003. Global Financial Meltdown: Sweeping Deregulation of the US Banking System www.globalresearch.ca January 30, 2009 Rep. Marci Kaptur stands up for her constituents, says stay put! YouTube comments blog February 14, 2009 NJ Voices Public Blog LaRouche's Homeowners and Bank Protection Act blog.nj.com March 17, 2009 the trick question of the year! Who's More to Blame: The Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act or Alan Greenspan? www.fool.com November 3, 2009 Nomi Prins on the Tavis Smiley Show It Takes A Pillage www.pbs.org November 11, 2009 Report on Attorney H. Rodgin Cohen in a video interview with The Deal Destroyers of Glass Steagall Deserve Their Share of the Blame www.bnet.com December 17, 2009 the Cantwell-McCain Act ought to be slam dunk. But it won't be. What some people hopefully called the resurrection of the Pecora Commission, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission headed by Phil Angelides, the former California State Treasurer, should be greasing the skids. However, the commission, created by the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009 was signed into law in May and has yet to hold its first hearing. Its final report is due a year from now. And by then, you can be just about certain that Cantwell-McCain will be dead in the water Restore Glass-Steagall? Fat Chance www.dailykos.com January 21, 2010 "There was a reason why the law was passed and endured for almost seven decades. There was massive speculation by banks with other people's money." Welcome back, Glass-Steagall money.cnn.com January 26, 2010 MoxNewsDotCom report How Loud Do Alarm Bells Have To Ring? Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur www.youtube.com February 3, 2010 jobless wha-wahtery This Is Unacceptable In America! Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur www.youtube.com May 18, 2010 “If Senator Grassley fails to support to the Glass-Steagall amendment, that action by itself will signal to Iowans that he is on the side of unbridled greed by Wall Street... " U.S. Senate candidate, Tom Fiegen regarding the Glass-Steagall Amendment (S.A. 3884) to S.3217 Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010, Pass Glass-Steagall Amendment (S.A. 3884) www.dailykos.com May 19, 2010 rush the process through in order to nullify the Cantwell-McCain amendment to Dodd's financial 'reform' bill. Without that amendment, the bill doesn't affect banksters AT ALL...it would call derivatives speculation illegal but provides ZERO consequences for the activity. Breaking - Sen. Reid calls for vote to end debate TODAY at 2:00pm / Cantwell-McCain amendment to financial reform bill threatened www.godlikeproductions.com May 21, 2010 the U.S. Senate has yet to debate and vote on the Cantwell-McCain amendment to the Dodd financial reform bill Glass-Steagall Showdown Will Decide Your Future www.larouchepub.com June 11, 2010 An Appeal for a Two-Tier Banking System Europe Will Go Under Without Global Glass-Steagall www.schillerinstitute.org June 30, 2010 a critique of the financial reform legislation The unsurprising failure of U.S. financial reform www.pbs.org September 7, 2010 opponent of Barny Frank 2010 see the debate Rachel Brown for Congress website rachelforcongress.com October 6, 2010 STEVE BROWN / The Dallas Morning News Foreclosure moratorium would only put off pain, housing analysts say www.dallasnews.com October 10, 2010 properties that have clear mortgage documentation will demand a premium in price, therefore, the more mortgage and title questions effect marketability, the more the median and average home price is likely to go up Foreclosure Moratorium - What Does it Mean for the Housing Market? www.creditwritedowns.com October 12, 2010 the administration's wariness of backing populist calls to halt evictions, which could undermine efforts to persuade skeptical voters that it rescued the economy from a complete meltdown White House rejects foreclosure moratorium www.reuters.com October 15, 2010 Foreclosure attorney Lynn Szymoniak located numerous signatures of “Linda Green” from pleadings filed in various courts. StopForeclosureFraud.com has rounded up some examples of “Linda Green’s” signatures in one image: Same Person Forged Billions of Dollars Worth of Mortgage Documents for Bank of America, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank and Dozens of Other Lenders and Shells 60 minutes will run the story in SEVEN MONTHS www.prisonplanet.com October 16, 2010 Nevada, California and Florida Foreclosure moratorium takes center stage in battleground states thehill.com October 19, 2010 employees of Florida's largest "foreclosure mill" were given jewelry, cars and houses from the firm in exchange for altering and forging key documents used to process foreclosures Women testify to fraud, forgery at 'foreclosure mill' www.allbusiness.com November 17, 2010 Who Profits? December 13, 2010 the servicers were not equipped to handle this problem HAMP continues to underwhelm panel, Treasury defends 'new standard www.housingwire.com December 16, 2010 largest mortgage servicers froze foreclosures in October Geithner: National foreclosure moratorium would hurt house prices www.housingwire.com January 26, 2011 "Limited Government" is the most expensive government of all Breaking the Silence: FCIC Report Brings the Focus Back to Wall Street www.huffingtonpost.com February 22, 2011 conclusions We conclude widespread failures in financial regulation and supervision proved devastating to the stability of the nation’s financial markets. We conclude dramatic failures of corporate governance and risk management at many systemically important financial institutions were a key cause of this crisis. We conclude a combination of excessive borrowing, risky investments, and lack of transparency put the financial system on a collision course with crisis. We conclude the government was ill prepared for the crisis, and its inconsistent response added to the uncertainty and panic in the financial markets. We conclude there was a systemic breakdown in accountability and ethics. Phil Angelides on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Report blogs.kqed.org March 4, 2011 at least two cases still working their way through Florida's courts, that delay in disclosure apparently also meant that HSBC didn't tell attorneys bringing foreclosure actions in the bank's name to put their cases on hold What Do HSBC's Foreclosure Moratorium and Robo-Signing Claims Really Mean? www.dailyfinance.com March 9, 2011 former notary from law firm Shapiro & Burson filed an affidavit with law enforcement and regulators charging that the attorneys' signatures on the deeds and other important documents were forgeries signed at the express direction of management Foreclosure Fraud in Maryland: Banks' Lawyers Accused of Forging 1,000+ Deeds www.dailyfinance.com April 6, 2011 all 50 state attorneys general are currently conducting an investigation into the foreclosure mess–including cases that involve forged documents like these 60 Minutes: Banksters Use Forgery Mills – SWAT Evicts Grandmother cutdc.com April 7, 2011 state attorneys general and multiple federal agencies had joined forces last year are BETRAYED by Federal Reserve Justice Denied: How the Feds Are Caving to Wall Street on Foreclosures www.bnet.com April 11, 2011 Michelle Rasmussen interviews Birgitta Jonsdottir Icelandic Parliamentarian April 11, 2011 “instant short sale approvals” happening every day, right now at the courthouse steps Trustee Sale Auctions Drop Bids by 36%+ blog.foreclosures.com April 12, 2011 mortgage servicers are being probed by a task force of 50 state attorneys general over the way they foreclosed on overdue homeowners BofA Chief Says More Foreclosures Inevitable as Repeated Defaults Top 50% www.bloomberg.com April 13, 2011 repeal certain provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and revive the separation between commercial banking and the securities business H.R. 1489, The Return to Prudent Banking Act of 2011 www.washingtonwatch.com April 13, 2011 more than 20 original co-sponsors in introducing H.R. 1477 Representative Cummings and 23 Members Introduce Preserving Homes and Communities Act of 2011 cummings.house.gov April 14, 2011 petitioners widget The Latest Petition: Restore Glass-Steagall! www.washingtonwatch.com April 15, 2011 exhibit A of Wall Street's evolution from a place that raises and deploys capital to worthy businesses into a vulturous creature that preys on unwitting investors Goldman Sachs Ripped Off And Misled Clients, Senate Report Says www.huffingtonpost.com April 15, 2011 customer banking should be strictly separated from investment banking Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson Is a Glass-Steagall Man www.minyanville.com April 18, 2011 Some Florida Judges Begin to Crack Down on "Fraud on the Court" in Foreclosure Cases www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com April 19, 2011 Washington's Attorney General Finds Trustee Violations www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com April 21, 2011 Federal Regulators Closing in on a Settlement With Robo-Signers www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com April 25, 2011 Federal Government Orders 14 Mortgage Lenders to Reimburse Homeowners Improperly Foreclosed Upon www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com April 28, 2011 Finally, MERS Found to Have Failures in Foreclosure Practices www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com April 29, 2011 Florida Military Member Returns from Deployment to Find Home in Foreclosure www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com May 4, 2011 larouchepac.com May 4, 2011 Federal Judge Sanctions LPS for Fraud on the Court www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com May 4, 2011 larouchepac.com May 6, 2011 Florida Mortgage Executive Guilty of 14 Counts of Fraud www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com May 8, 2011 Washington Mutual Rewarded Employees that Sold High Risk Loans www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com May 9, 2011 home prices fell 3 percent in the first quarter and will drop as much as 9 percent this year as foreclosures spread and unemployment remains ‘Underwater’ Homeowners Rise to 28 Percent: Zillow preview.bloomberg.com May 10, 2011 Foreclosure Mill Sued for Alleged Participation in Kick Back Scheme www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com Current www.floridaforeclosuredefenselawyersblog.com HUD page, Current Avoiding Foreclosure Current Mortgage News Daily. Current Archives for Foreclosure Fraud Statistics stopforeclosurefraud.com Smörgåsfraud . - . to bilk or not to bilk, that is th......what the x&@#! Foreclosure Hamlet, the reign of terror continues... |
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